Football Fantasy - Corretja de rellotge 3D

€19,95 Preu regular €24,95
  • Rellotge elegant i educatiu per a nens. Disseny atractiu amb colors vius i motius pensats per als més petits de la casa.
  • Marca amb números grans i fulls de treball inclosos per aprendre a llegir l'hora fàcilment.
  • Fiable i ajustable. Proporcionat amb un mecanisme japonès d'ALTA QUALITAT i una bateria japonesa de llarga durada, és resistent als cops i HIPOAL·LERGÈNIC.
  • Rellotge blau amb dibuixos animats de balons de futbol en 3D de diferents colors a la corretja de silicona fàcil de netejar i còmoda.

La teva comanda serà enviat en 3 dies laborables (excepte caps de setmana i festius). És sempre un servei gratuït.

Devolució gratuïta en 14 dies. Pots revisar la nostra política d'enviaments i devolucions aquí

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Very nice children's watch

Perfect for my six -year -old son, a big dino fan. The clock looks valuable and fits perfectly on the small arm.

Beautifully adapted in age


Watch pencil

Unfortunately, the watch is really great for children, unfortunately not very robust and the clock pencil has already been lost.

Great watch!

We gave away the clock and were able to look at bright children's eyes! Has very well, has already experienced a lot and is very robust!

Great watch for young Dino enthusiastic

At first it is a bit "cheap" the bezel made of plastic. However, if you consider the target group and know about their urge to move and gross motor properties, it makes sense. First had a model with a steel bezel and real glass of the same manufacturer, which unfortunately broke due to our false target group choice. Our almost 5 year old son loves the clock, even if he can't read it yet, but the great dino motifs of the bracelet alone are a hit for him.

Consulteu les nostres col·leccions de rellotges infantils més venudes

Mestra del temps

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