Jade - Ulleres de sol per a nens a partir de 4 anys

€16,95 Preu regular €18,95
    • Ulleres de sol elegants i elegants per a nens de 4 a 8 anys.
    • Lents polaritzades que cancel·len els reflexos solars i redueixen la sensibilitat a la llum.
    • Lents de categoria 3. El nivell més alt de foscor de les lents per oferir la màxima confort fins i tot en condicions de brillantor.
    • Filtre UV400. Protecció total contra els raigs solars perjudicials UVA/B/C. Segons la norma EN ISO 12312-1:2022.
    • Marc rodó .
    • Ulleres de sol rosa brillant amb efecte purpurina .
efecte brillantor. Cames blanques amb flors vermelles.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews

I took for a 7 -year -old girl (minute, she dressed 7/8 years normally) and in her case the measure is right. Polarization is present, obviously it will not be the best qualities but for the summer it goes more than well. The frame is fashion, of a nice brilliant fuchsia. As for the material, it is of a plastic that is not very quality, so hard so if you are not careful, easy to break. However, I consider myself satisfied and I can recommend the purchase. As soon as possible I will add a photo. If the review was useful, let me know! :)

Very nice

Excellent glasses, my 5 -year -old daughter loves them and are stored. In the package also of the stickers highly appreciated by the girl. If I have to find a flaw, a custody would also be useful to those in fabric


Solid and pretty.

april long
Good value for money

Very good, my daughter loves them.

Feel Fairly Sturdy and Comfortable for My 4 Year Old

My 4 year old loves them

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