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Festa Pinata - Ulleres de sol per a nadons a partir de 0 mesos

€27,95 Preu regular €29,95
Color - Verd

Customer Reviews

Based on 11 reviews
Fab really pleased with :)

These are so cute I would deff buy another pair.

Must have for babies

Cute little spec with a case bag. Does work for what it’s made for. My boy loves wearing it and he seems comfy on them. But itS material doesn’t look as nice as expected. Hopefully it will protect my boy’s eye.

Good cute glasses

Baby looks great in it but straps are big for a 5 month old. He will grow into it. So far product looks well made and durable. Comes with a cloth bag which can be used to clean lens and store glasses. I've tested it myself in the sun and it does offer good protection from the rays.Update: bubba is now 7 months old and he looks adorable! It fits just right on the tightest setting, and it has plenty of room to grow into it.

Karen Conneely
Passed the baby test

Let's face it, no parent can resist the cuteness of their kid in sunglasses but my great concern was whether or not our 6 month old was going to tolerate them.Much like clothes and nappies, he wasn't crazy about the fuss of getting them on, but once they were in place he didn't seem to notice them at all, so they definitely pass the baby test.As for the mom test, the Velcro strap makes way more sense than solid arms, although micro Velcro would probably have been less bulky and would be less likely to scratch behind the ears (may be a problem if your baby's head size means you need to adjust the Velcro patch to sit there). A little non slip grip on the inside of the strap where it sits at the back of the head would be good too, to keep it in place as it can tend to move around unless you adjust the strap pretty tight. But doing that means ending up with marks on your baby's face, so perhaps a rubberised lining to cushion the spot where the frame of the glasses sits against the face would also be a good addition.All in all though, these are cute, keep the sun out of his eyes, and he is happy with them so it's a great purchase for the price.

Good, just don’t tighten to much.

I do love these. They are adorable, but you have to be careful not to put them on to tight, otherwise your baby’s face will have marks and impressions from the glasses.

  • Apte per a nens i nenes edats 0-24 mesos
  • Cintura de neoprè ajustable amb sistema de tancament als dos costats per a un ajust segur i còmode
  • Filtre UV400 per a una protecció integral contra els danys raigs solars UVA/B/C, que compleix la norma EN ISO 12312-1: 2022
  • Classificació Categoria 3 , que ofereix el mateix nivell de foscor que el 99% de les ulleres de sol per a adults

Hola! La teva comanda serà en marxa en un termini de 3 dies laborables (excepte caps de setmana i festius). no et preocupis, l'enviament corre a càrrec nostre! Si tens cap problema amb la teva comanda, només has de fer-nos-ho saber en un termini de 14 dies i ens n'encarregarem amb una devolució gratuïta. Per a més informació sobre els nostres enviaments i política de devolucions, només cal que consulteu el nostre lloc web. Si tens qualsevol pregunta, no ho dubtis contacteu amb nosaltres per correu electrònic. Sempre estem encantats d'ajudar!

  • És Es recomana esbandir els gots amb aigua neta i absorbir l'aigua amb una tovallola de paper, i després utilitzeu un drap especial per a ulleres per provar la tovallola, heu de subjectar el cable de la vora del marc al costat del mirall de neteja i netejar suaument la lent per evitar danys al marc o a la lent causats per una força excessiva.

  • Si no porteu ulleres de sol temporalment, no cal posar-los a la caixa per evitar molèsties en la manipulació. Tampoc cal penjar les ulleres de sol a l'escot per evitar l'exposició o el perill que caiguin les ulleres de sol.

  • Ulleres de sol també tenen data de caducitat! A causa de l'exposició a llarg termini als raigs ultraviolats, la capacitat anti-UV de les ulleres de sol s'esvaeix, i és millor substituir un parell d'ulleres de sol en 2 anys.

Col·leccions d'ulleres de sol per a nadons millor valorades

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