Self-esteem in Children: 10 Best Strategies 2024

Self-esteem in Children: 10 Best Strategies 2024

Self-esteem in Children: 10 Best Strategies 2024

Nowadays our little ones are much more exposed to gigantic volumes of information and a reality that is as real as it is virtual. For this and their emotional stability, helping them build strong self-esteem and work on resilience is vital. If you want to understand more about the subject and how to do it, keep reading as we explain it to you.

What is self-esteem in children?

Self-esteem in children is the assessment that they have of themselves. This is an evaluation that includes your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about yourself, your abilities and skills. In simple terms, self-esteem is the answer to the question, “How valuable am I?”

Importance of strengthening self-esteem in children

Strengthening self-esteem in children is crucial for their development, since positive self-esteem will allow them to face life's challenges with greater confidence and optimism. In contrast, low self-esteem will negatively affect your social, emotional and academic development. A positive reinforcement and healthy self-esteem brings benefits such as:

  • Greater self-confidence: Children with strong self-esteem feel confident in their abilities and skills, so they will be encouraged to try new things and pursue their dreams without fear of failure.
  • Greater resilience: Positive self-esteem gives children the strength necessary to face obstacles and setbacks. They believe in their ability to overcome difficulties, which helps them better handle stress and adversity.
  • Better social relationships: Children will be able to relate more positively and assertively to others, establishing and maintaining healthy relationships, whether romantic or not.
  • Better academic performance: Positive self-esteem motivates children to learn and perform better in school. Confidence in their academic abilities drives them to work hard and achieve better results.
  • Greater emotional well-being: Children with good self-esteem tend to be happier and enjoy better mental health.

Signs of a child with low self-esteem


Recognizing the signs of low self-esteem in children is crucial to being able to intervene in a timely manner and help them develop a positive self-image. While every child is different and may therefore manifest low self-esteem in different ways, there are some common indicators that should alert any parent, educator, or other adult to the need to pay attention. These warning signs are:

Emotions and behaviors

  • Excessive self-criticism: The child constantly criticizes himself, focuses on his defects and minimizes his achievements.
  • Fear of failure: Avoid trying new things for fear of failing or not being good enough.
  • Excessive sensitivity to criticism: You get angry or sad easily when you receive criticism, even constructive criticism.
  • Dependence on the approval of others: You constantly need the approval of others to feel good about yourself.
  • Lack of motivation: Does not show interest in anything or seems apathetic.
  • Negative behavior: May show behaviors such as aggression, social isolation, substance use or self-destructive behaviors.

Cognitive aspects

  • Negative thoughts: You have a negative view of yourself and the world around you.
  • Difficulty recognizing your strengths: You focus on your weaknesses and do not recognize your abilities and skills.
  • Exaggeration of errors: Magnifies their errors and minimizes their successes.
  • Rumination: You obsess over your mistakes and failures, going over them over and over in your mind.

Social behaviors

  • Social isolation: Avoids social interactions and prefers to be alone which causes a lot frustration in children.
  • Difficulty making friends: It is difficult for him to establish and maintain relationships with other children.
  • Excessive shyness: You feel uncomfortable in social situations and avoid talking or participating in group activities.
  • Victim of bullying: May be subject to teasing, harassment or intimidation by other children.
  • Passive behavior: He does not defend his rights or express his opinions for fear of rejection.

Physical changes

  • Eating disorders: You may experience anorexia, bulimia or binge eating.
  • Sleep problems: Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping too much.
  • Headaches or stomachaches: Physical symptoms that may be related to stress and anxiety. You can also develop pervasive developmental disorder
  • Neglect of personal hygiene: You neglect your personal hygiene and present a disheveled appearance.

How to promote self-esteem in children? Tips

Now that you have understood the importance of working on your children's self-esteem, we leave you some tips so that you can do it correctly:

Provide unconditional love and acceptance

Children need to feel loved and accepted just as they are, regardless of their achievements, failures or mistakes. Express your love verbally and physically frequently. Let them know that you value and appreciate them for who they are, not what they do. Avoid destructive criticism and negative comments.

Recognize and praise their efforts and achievements

It is important for children to know that their efforts and achievements are recognized and valued. Congratulate them on their achievements, big or small, specifically and sincerely, highlighting their effort and dedication, not just the end result. Avoid comparisons with other children.

Set clear and consistent boundaries

Children need to know what is expected of them and what the consequences of their actions are. Establish clear and consistent limits, adapted to their age and maturity level. Explains the reasons for limits clearly and simply, applying consequences fairly and consistently.

Provide opportunities for success

It is important that children have the opportunity to experience success in different areas of their lives. Encourage them to try new and challenging things, even if they fear failing. Help them overcome obstacles and learn from their mistakes by celebrating their achievements, no matter how small.

Be a positive role model

Children learn largely by observing the adults around them. Be a positive role model for self-esteem. Show confidence in yourself and talk about yourself positively, recognize your own mistakes and learn from them.

Encourage open and honest communication

It is important that children feel comfortable talking to you about their feelings, thoughts and concerns. Create an environment of trust and respect in which they feel safe to express themselves. Listen carefully without judging or interrupting, validating their emotions and helping them find healthy ways to express them.

Seek professional help if necessary

If a child's low self-esteem is severe or interferes with their daily life, it is important to seek professional help. A psychologist or therapist specialized in children can evaluate the situation and provide appropriate support.

Adapt your things and your space

It is very important and necessary for your child to have independence and autonomy. Of course, he will adopt this over time, so teach him to dress himself, make himself a snack, buy him accessories designed for children, such as kiddus baby sunglasses or teaching time watch , delegate simple tasks, etc. The sum of all this will make you feel capable and motivated.

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Activities to work on self-esteem in children


Activities to work on self-esteem in children are like compasses that guide them to create a positive image of themselves. It is through these experiences that children learn to recognize their strengths, embrace their weaknesses, and express their emotions in a healthy way.

For little adventurers (3-5 years)

  • The magic mirror: Invite the child to look at themselves and say positive words to each other, together they can identify their favorite characteristics and special qualities.
  • Emotions in full color: Ask the child to draw different emotions (happy, sad, angry, fear) and then talk about each one. This will help you identify and express your emotions in a healthy way.
  • Stories with happy endings: Make up stories together where the child overcomes challenges and obstacles, in order to strengthen confidence in himself and his abilities.

For children in school age (6-11 years)

  • The treasure jar: Decorate a jar and encourage him to write on pieces of paper his achievements, compliments received or aspects he loves about himself. Every day, a magical piece of paper will fill your heart with pride.
  • The strengths game: Each participant (children and adults) writes on a piece of paper a strength that they observe in the child. Then, they get together and read the papers, highlighting their fantastic qualities.
  • The dream collage: Help your little one create a collage with images, phrases and words that represent their dreams and goals. This will motivate you to pursue your goals and believe in your potential.
  • The Skills Box: Decorate a box and encourage him to store small items that represent his skills and interests. Whenever you feel discouraged, you can open the box and remember everything you are capable of achieving.
  • Role plays: Invent situations where the child has to defend his or her opinions, resolve conflicts or express his or her emotions assertively. This will help you develop your social skills and self-esteem.

For tweens and teens (12-18 years old)

  • Gratitude Journal: Encourage him to journal three things he is grateful for each night to help him focus on the positive in his life and appreciate the little things.
  • The question game: Ask your child questions that invite him to reflect on his strengths, values and dreams. For example, “What makes you proud of yourself?”, “What would you like to achieve in the future?”, “What qualities do you admire in yourself?”


In conclusion, strengthening our little ones' self-esteem is a continuous process that requires patience, love and support. There is no magic formula that works for all children. The most important thing is that you adapt our advice to your child's individual needs. Surely with dedication and effort, you can help your child develop positive self-esteem that allows them to be happy, successful and resilient in life.

Author: Kiddus Team

At Kiddus we take pride in creating high-quality accessories for kids that are both functional and fashionable. Our team is composed of professionals in the children's industry, including designers, engineers, and child development experts. We work together to create innovative and safe products that meet the needs of both children and parents. With years of experience and a passion for quality, we strive to exceed expectations and bring joy to families around the world.

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