Speed Games for Kids: 10 Best Ideas

Speed Games for Kids: 10 Best Ideas

Speed Games for Kids: 10 Best Ideas

Games are the perfect way to teach our little ones new things, and take care of their physical health. Movement is health, and the earlier and better you integrate the enjoyment of physical activity, the better. In this article we will talk specifically about speed games, why they are useful, what benefits they provide, we will tell you the 10 best speed game ideas and we will explain what points to consider if you plan to organize activities with your little ones and their friends.

What are speed games?


Speed games, as the name clearly implies, are physical activities for children at home that test children's ability to move quickly and accurately. These word games have the following main features:

  • The main objective is to complete an action or reach a goal in the shortest time possible.
  • They usually include everything from simple races to circuits.
  • They strengthen coordination, balance, agility and reaction.
  • They are very exciting and motivating activities for children.

Benefits of speed games

Speed games are not only fun and exciting for children, but they also offer benefits for their physical, cognitive and social development, for example:

  • They improve general physical condition: Speed games increase cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and power, crucial aspects for good health and physical development.
  • They strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system: Regular practice stimulates the heart and lungs, improving their ability to pump blood and oxygenate the muscles.
  • They develop psychomotor coordination: The rapid and precise movements that some of the symbolic games require require great coordination between the nervous system and the muscles.
  • They tone the muscles: As different muscle groups are worked dynamically, they are toned and strengthened.
  • Refine reaction time: Constant practice of speed games speeds up reaction time, the ability to process sensory panel information and respond to external stimuli quickly and effectively.
  • Promote teamwork: Team speed games, such as relays, promote collaboration, communication and working together.
  • Develop respect for rules: Most speed games have clear rules that must be followed, which teaches children the importance of respect for rules and sportsmanship.
  • They promote healthy competition: These are games that can be used to encourage healthy and friendly competition, where children learn to win and lose with respect.
  • Facilitates socialization: They provide an opportunity for children to interact with their peers, make new friends and develop social skills.

What games develop speed? 10 best ideas


Surely after seeing the important list of benefits that speed games provide, you are thinking: Which games are better? Well, we give you the following 10 options or ideas:

Relay races

Relay races are perfect for working on speed as a team. To organize them, divide the children into equal groups and design a track with several stations, each member of the team must run a certain distance and pass the baton (it can be a simple object such as a stick or a bottle) to the next runner. This game not only improves speed but also coordination and teamwork. Additionally, variations such as zigzag or obstacle relay races can be added to increase the challenge and entertainment.

Chase games

The classic game of “pillapilla” is a great way for children to run at maximum speed to catch or escape from their classmates. This type of game not only improves speed, but also agility and reaction ability. To make it more interesting, introduce different roles or rules, such as “frozen catcher” where children must remain motionless when touched until another player frees them, or “team catcher” where several children try to catch everyone else.

Sack races

A classic and very fun game where children get into bags and must jump towards the goal as quickly as possible. A bag race will not only develop speed, but will also improve coordination and leg strength. To organize it you just have to make sure you have bags of the right size and a safe surface to jump on. As for the distance of the race, it can vary perfectly and of course, you could also add obstacles to increase the difficulty and fun.

Obstacle Courses

Creating an obstacle course is not as complicated as you might think, with just some cones, ropes, cushions or balls you can get started. But the truth is that the options are many, you could include jumping over bars, going under ropes, weaving between cones and jumping from one hoop to another. To add that focus on speed, add a maximum time limit.

Balloon races

In this game, children must run holding a balloon between their legs, working a lot on speed, balance and concentration. Balloon races can be made more fun and challenging by including different balloon transportation techniques, such as holding it in your arms outstretched or blowing it along the course.

Sprint races

Sprint races are short races where children run at maximum speed for a short distance, usually 50 to 100 meters. This drill is great for developing pure speed and explosiveness. Go ahead and organize sprint competitions over different distances and surfaces, and time your little guests to compete against their own time and gradually improve. If they already know how to tell time or are learning, encourage them to use their own educational watch to measure time of the brand Kiddus 


Direction change games

Games like “American football” or children’s “rugby,” where children must run and change direction quickly to avoid being caught, are ideal for especially improving agility. These best didactic games teach children to anticipate the movements of their peers and opponents, improving their ability to make quick and accurate decisions. If you decide to follow the rules of rugby for example, you will also be teaching him about competing according to a rule and working as a team.

Quick reaction games

Games like “red light, green light” (the famous Squid Game) require children to react quickly to signals to run or stop. Therefore, they manage to improve reaction speed and sprint ability. How to play it? Well, a child acts as a “traffic light” and turns his back to the others, who are lined up at the starting line. When the “traffic light” says “green light,” the children run towards him; when it says “red light” and turns, they must stop immediately. Children who move after the “red light” must return to the starting line, whoever reaches where the traffic light child is will win.

Wheelbarrow racing

Wheelbarrow races are also a classic and legendary game. To do it, divide the little ones into pairs, so that one child holds the other's ankles while the other walks with his hands towards the goal. A game that perfectly develops speed and coordination between teammates. Wheelbarrow racing requires arm and abdominal strength, as well as good coordination. You can also take ideas from the options above and organize different types of races, such as sprint races, relay races, or obstacle races, to keep children interested.

Tricycle or bicycle racing

For little ones, racing tricycles or bicycles is a great way to encourage speed while enjoying a fun ride. In this case you must make sure that children wear helmets and other appropriate protection, and establish a safe route.

Considerations to take into account when organizing speed games for children

If you are thinking of organizing activities or speed games with your little one and their friends, it is useful that you write down or keep in mind the following considerations for their safety:

  • Space: Ensures a large and safe space, free of obstacles and with an adequate surface for the activity.
  • Materials: Just as it is important to prepare the space, it is important to choose safe and age-appropriate materials for the children. Verify that they are in good condition and are sufficient for everyone.
  • Warm-up: Perform a warm-up beforehand to prepare the body for the activity and prevent injuries. Includes stretching exercises, joint mobility and cardiovascular activation.
  • Supervision: Closely supervise children during play to ensure their safety and avoid accidents.
  • Adaptation: Adapt the games according to the age, skills and physical condition level of the little ones. Adjust the difficulty, playing time, or rules if necessary.
  • Inclusion: Encourages inclusion and mutual respect among children, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to participate and feel valued.
  • Care: Ensure that children are adequately hydrated and fed after the game, if they do outdoor activities, put sunscreen and sunglasses for kids

  • Recognition of effort: Recognizes the effort and participation of all children, regardless of their results.
  • Collective celebration: Celebrate achievements collectively, highlighting teamwork and collaboration.


In short, playing speed games occasionally but routinely with children is a great way to encourage an active and healthy lifestyle. In addition to improving your physical fitness, these games promote important skills such as coordination, balance and teamwork.

Author: Kiddus Team

At Kiddus we take pride in creating high-quality accessories for kids that are both functional and fashionable. Our team is composed of professionals in the children's industry, including designers, engineers, and child development experts. We work together to create innovative and safe products that meet the needs of both children and parents. With years of experience and a passion for quality, we strive to exceed expectations and bring joy to families around the world.

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