bebé 7 meses

7 Month Old Baby: Everything You Need to Know

7 Month Old Baby: Everything You Need to Know

The first years of life are a time of rapid and exciting development for babies. By 7 months they have reached several important milestones in their physical, cognitive and emotional development.

At this stage they are learning to sit up, crawl, balance and perhaps even take their first steps. They are also developing cognitive skills such as language comprehension and the ability to follow simple instructions. In addition, they are learning to express their emotions and understand the emotions of others. As parents, it is important to be aware of these changes and skills in order to support our baby's development at this crucial stage.

In this article, we will explore typical baby changes and skills at 7 months, as well as ways parents can help support their child's development at this stage.


Physical Development, Motor Development and Physical Abilities

Physical development in 7-month-old babies is impressive, as they are experiencing tremendous growth and acquiring new motor skills. In terms of growth, babies at 7 months can weigh around 16 to 18 pounds (7-8 kg) and measure around 29-31 inches (74-79 cm) in length.

  • Motor development: Babies at 7 months are learning to sit with support and can begin to crawl or balance on their hands and knees. They may also begin to use their hands more precisely to grasp and manipulate small objects. Some babies may even begin to take their first assisted or supported steps.
  • Physical skills: Babies at 7 months are learning to control their bodies and coordinate their movements. They can begin to roll both ways, sit without support and may begin to crawl or creep with more precise movements. They may also begin to play with their feet and reach for them, an indication that they are developing their hand-eye coordination and balance.
  • It is important to provide infants with a safe and developmentally appropriate environment with toys and objects that stimulate their curiosity and allow them to practice their motor skills. 


Cognitive Development: Learning New Skills (Language and Comprehension)

Cognitive development in 7-month-old infants is amazing, as they are acquiring new skills and knowledge at an accelerated rate.

  • In terms of language, babies at 7 months are beginning to develop their ability to understand language and can begin to imitate some words and sounds. They can begin to understand simple commands and can follow simple directions, such as "give me the ball" or "where is your foot". They are also learning to respond to their name and can begin to point to objects or people they want.
  • In terms of understanding, babies at 7 months are beginning to understand the world around them and may begin to show preferences for certain toys or activities. They may begin to show interest in objects around them, such as picture books, toys with sounds and objects with interesting textures. They are also learning to differentiate between similar objects and may begin to show preferences for certain objects or people.

It is important to provide infants with an environment rich in stimuli for cognitive development, with toys and activities that stimulate their curiosity and allow them to explore and learn. It is advisable to talk to them, read books, listen to music and sing songs, and provide opportunities to investigate and play with safe objects. It is also important to provide a safe and quiet learning environment where the baby can concentrate on learning and developing cognitive skills.


Emotional Development: Learning, Emotions and Expressions

Emotional development in 7-month-old babies is an essential process for their overall development, as it helps them to understand and express their own emotions and to understand the emotions of others.

At 7 months, babies are beginning to develop a greater understanding of their own emotions and may begin to show early signs of sadness, joy, anger and fear. They may also begin to show preferences for certain people or situations and may begin to show signs of anxiety or fear in unfamiliar situations.

In addition, babies are learning to express their emotions more clearly. They may begin to cry to express anger or sadness, or laugh and smile to express joy. They may also begin to use their bodies and gestures to express their emotions, such as grabbing or pushing an object when they are angry or cuddling close to an adult when they feel insecure.

It is important to provide a safe and loving environment for the infant's emotional development, where caregivers can recognize and validate the infant's emotions. It is advisable to respond to the infant's emotional needs in a sensitive manner and provide comfort and support when needed. It is also important to teach the infant to recognize and express emotions in a healthy way.


Food and Nutrition: Recommendations and Guidelines to Follow

Feeding and nutrition are critical to the development and growth of 7-month-old infants. At this stage, babies are beginning to try solid foods and their diet is evolving to include a variety of foods.

Feeding recommendations for 7-month-old infants include:

  • Continue breastfeeding or bottle formula feeding, as they provide all the nutrients needed for the baby's growth and development.
  • Introduce solid foods, such as fruit and vegetable purees, cooked rice, porridges and baby cereals. It is important to introduce a variety of foods to expose the baby to different tastes and textures.
  • Avoid foods high in salt, sugar and unhealthy fats.
  • Avoid foods that may cause allergies, such as egg, fish, nuts and dried fruits.


Sleep: Needs and Recommendations

Sleep is essential for the development and well-being of 7-month-old infants. During this stage, babies are experiencing changes in their sleep patterns and their sleep needs are evolving.

In terms of sleep needs, 7-month-old infants need between 12 and 15 hours of sleep per day, including both nighttime and daytime sleep. It is important to keep in mind that sleep patterns may vary and that some babies may need more or less sleep.

To ensure healthy sleep, the following is recommended:

  • Establish a consistent sleep routine, with regular bedtime and wake-up times.
  • Create a quiet, safe sleep environment with adequate temperature and good ventilation.
  • Avoid stimulants, such as television or screens, before bedtime.
  • Establish a soothing bedtime ritual, such as reading a bedtime story or singing a song.
  • Make sure the baby sleeps in a safe and comfortable place, such as a crib or infant bed.
  • If the baby wakes up during the night, try to comfort him and help him go back to sleep without excessive stimulation.


Final Recommendations

  • Encourage active play and movement, such as floor play, music and dance, and provide opportunities for infants to move freely.
    Provide an environment rich in stimuli for cognitive development, with toys and activities that stimulate their curiosity and allow them to explore and learn. Talk to them, read books, listen to music and sing songs, and provide opportunities to investigate and play with safe objects.
  • Obtain toys and accessories for children that are safe and also beneficial to their health, such as baby sunglasses like those from Kiddus. It is a high obligation to protect baby eyes from the sun's rays at young age, as they are still finishing their development. See the article best baby sunglasses.

 baby sunglasses


In conclusion, physical, cognitive and emotional development in 7-month-old infants is an exciting process and essential to their growth and overall well-being. It is important to provide a safe and developmentally appropriate environment with stimulating toys and activities, healthy feeding and adequate sleep.

However, it is important to keep in mind that each baby is unique and may have different needs and developmental rhythms. If you have concerns about your baby's development, we recommend seeking the opinion of a specialist, such as a pediatrician or child development specialist.

Author: Kiddus Team

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