White Noise for Babies: What It Is, What It Is Used For and Benefits

White Noise for Babies: What It Is, What It Is Used For and Benefits

White Noise for Babies: What It Is, What It Is Used For and Benefits

White noise has become a very popular resource among parents to calm babies and help them sleep better. This constant, soft sound has the ability to mask external noises that could disturb sleep, resulting in greater peace of mind for both babies and their parents. In this article, we will explain what white noise exactly is, what its benefits are, how to use it correctly, and the precautions to take into account to ensure safe use.

What is white noise?

White noise is a type of sound that combines all frequencies audible to the human ear into a single signal. It is called “white” by analogy with white light, which is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.

This type of noise is perceived as a constant, soft hum, similar to the sound of an untuned television or a draft. The thing is that instead of being annoying, white noise acts as a sound barrier that blocks other, more disruptive noises, creating a stable and very relaxing acoustic environment.

What is it for?

This noise has traditionally been used as a tool to improve sleep quality and concentration. In the case of babies, its main function is to create a familiar environment that helps them fall asleep quickly and stay asleep longer. 

Why does it have this effect on babies? Because white noise recreates sounds similar to those heard in the womb, giving them a sense of security. It also blocks out ambient noises that could wake the baby, such as conversations, traffic or the television.

Characteristics of white noise

The characteristics that make white noise so useful are:

  • Constant and uniform: Unlike other sounds, white noise does not vary in pitch or intensity, which helps avoid distractions.
  • Wide frequency spectrum: It covers all sound frequencies, making it effective at masking other noises.
  • Relaxing sound: Although it may seem monotonous, its uniformity generates a calming effect that promotes relaxation.
  • Neutralizes outside noise: It is very effective as a sound barrier, as it easily prevents sudden and annoying noises.

Differences between white noise and other types of sounds

White noise, with its uniform frequency spectrum, is just one of the many types of sounds we can encounter. But what makes it different from other sounds like pink or brown noise?

  • Pink noise: Unlike white noise, pink noise has more energy in the low frequencies and less in the high frequencies. It is commonly used to improve the sound quality of recordings or to help with concentration.
  • Brown noise: Brown noise, also known as red noise, has even more energy in the low frequencies than pink noise. It sounds deeper and more resonant, like the sound of a waterfall or a strong wind.

What is the key difference? The main difference between these types of noise lies in the distribution of their energy across the frequency spectrum. White noise is uniform, pink noise has more energy in the low frequencies, and brown noise even more so.

Benefits of white noise for babies

We have already told you some of the benefits of white noise for babies, but not all of them. So we will explain them one by one:

Helps you fall asleep

Babies, especially newborns, can be stimulated by environmental sounds. White noise recreates an environment similar to the one they experienced in the womb, where constant sounds predominated. This helps them calm down and fall asleep faster.

Reduces nighttime awakenings

One of the biggest benefits of white noise is its ability to mask sudden ambient noises, such as doorbells, conversations, or traffic. This prevents your baby from waking up and contributes to longer sleep.

Facilitates daytime naps

During the day, ambient noises are more frequent, making it difficult for the baby to sleep. White noise creates a sound barrier that isolates the baby from outside noises.

Reduces crying

Some studies suggest that white noise may help calm crying or fussy babies, as the sound can divert their attention from external or internal stimuli that are causing them discomfort.

How to use white noise with a baby?

White noise can be very effective in calming your baby and improving their quality of sleep. But how do you actually use it? Here's how:

Choose the right device

There are many options, from white noise machines to mobile apps and audio recordings. Make sure you choose a device that allows you to adjust the volume and duration of the sound. Machines designed specifically for babies often include additional sounds, such as a heartbeat or rain noise.

Place the device at a safe distance

Although white noise is safe, it is recommended to place the sound source at an appropriate distance from the baby to avoid excessively high noise levels that can damage the baby's hearing. The ideal distance is about 1 or 2 meters from the crib or sleeping place.

Adjust the volume to a suitable level

The volume of white noise should be between 50 and 60 decibels, similar to the level of a gentle shower or a quiet conversation. Make sure it's not too loud, as excessive volume could cause long-term hearing damage.

Use white noise only when necessary

White noise is most effective during naps or bedtime. Avoid using it continuously throughout the day, so that your baby does not develop a complete dependence on it for relaxation.

Create a routine

Introducing white noise as part of a bedtime routine can help your baby associate the sound with time to rest. Start by turning it on after a nighttime feeding or bath and create that sleep-friendly environment.

How long should white noise be used on a baby?

There is no set limit as to how long white noise should be used. Recommendations regarding this are:

To fall asleep

As white noise is very effective in helping your baby fall asleep in the first few minutes, you can leave it on for the first 20 or 30 minutes until your baby has fallen into a deep sleep, and then reduce the volume or turn it off.

All night long

In some cases, it is beneficial to leave white noise on throughout the night or nap, as its constant effect can prevent external noises from disturbing the baby's sleep. However, it is important to ensure that the volume is at a safe level and not excessive.

Do not use it constantly for a long time

Although white noise is helpful in promoting sleep, it is advisable not to rely on it continuously. It is recommended to use it as a temporary support, especially in the early stages of a baby's life or during difficult periods for sleeping. As your baby grows and learns to sleep better on their own, you can gradually reduce its use.

Avoid excessive daytime use

During the day, it is important for babies to be exposed to different sounds to develop their hearing and adapt to their environment. Using white noise only for sleeping is the best way to ensure that babies do not become accustomed to only using this type of sound to relax.

Precautions for using white noise with a baby

As you may have learned from this post, white noise is very useful for creating a sleep routine for a baby. Although you have to test what works and what doesn't, as well as take precautions, there is no doubt about its usefulness, so we want to give you some more tips:

  • Do not exceed the recommended volume: The sound level should never exceed 60 decibels, as higher volumes could damage the baby's delicate hearing system. A safe volume is similar to the noise of a normal conversation or a gentle shower.
  • Monitor the baby's reaction: Not all babies respond to white noise in the same way. If you notice that your baby is fussy or uncomfortable with the sound, it is best to reduce the volume or try other relaxation methods.
  • Do not create a dependency: It is important and necessary not to make it a constant need for the baby to sleep. Try to gradually reduce its use as the baby grows.

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In conclusion, white noise is useful for improving babies' sleep, as it helps create a calm and relaxing environment. However, like any tool, it is important to use it in moderation and follow the appropriate recommendations to ensure the safety and well-being of the little one.

Author: Kiddus Team

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