Turtle technique in children: what it is, what it is for and how to apply it
Childhood grief is a beautiful, exciting stage, full of learning and that definitely sets the course for adult life, as it is the basis of physical and emotional intelligence in children development.
There are many techniques for boys and girls to learn to manage their emotions, one of the most talked about is the turtle technique, a tool that undoubtedly helps them face difficult or unexpected situations in a calm and constructive way.
If you don't know what it is about, here we give you all the details, it will surely be useful to you.
What is the turtle technique?
The turtle technique is a strategy designed to help children cope with situations of stress, fear or conflict.
As its name says, it is inspired by the turtle, since it protects itself within its shell when it feels afraid or threatened and something similar is what children would do.
It is not about hiding, but about knowing how to protect yourself and distance yourself from a stressful situation to reflect on it, calm down and thus find a solution.
The technique is ideal for children in preschool and primary steam education; some parents even use it within their family when children tend to get overwhelmed easily.
If you still have doubts about the usefulness of this technique, we will tell you in detail what it is for.
What is the turtle technique for in children?
As already mentioned, the turtle technique helps children learn to manage (have greater control) of their emotions in a positive way, that is, it helps self-control and also self-knowledge, generates confidence and recognition and validation of emotions.
The idea is that the child can identify what emotions he is experiencing and their intensity, so that when he feels fear, anger, frustration in children or hopelessness, he can apply this technique in order to reduce his stress levels, calm down and respond in a more positive way. in the situation that may be unpleasant, such as an argument with a brother, friend or classmate, or something that you want, but it is not given to you immediately.
Some of the most important benefits of this technique are:
Self-control development
As we mentioned, the turtle technique is useful for children to stop, think about what they feel and breathe, before acting impulsively, which promotes emotional self-regulation.
Reduces anxiety
Without a doubt, with this strategy children can calm down in times of stress by reducing anxiety and finding a point of reflection and calm. It is also a time when children think about themselves.
Help in decision making
As the child has space to think, he or she may be able to respond better to a complex situation, as it helps him or her to be aware of the situation.
How to apply the turtle technique in children?
Applying this technique with children involves some important points that you must take into account if you want it to be effective. Don't forget that one of the most important things is to take into account the age of the child and their individual needs. Here we point out some important phases:
Phase 1: Recognition of emotions
- Help the child identify and name the emotions he is experiencing, explain to him that it is not bad to be afraid or frustrated, because it is normal for all people, clarify that the important thing is how he handles that emotion, what he does with that emotion is his responsibility.
- Encourage the child to express how he feels honestly and openly, show him that there is nothing wrong with talking about how he feels and that he can allow himself to be honest without it being a problem.
Phase 2: Withdrawal of the stimulus
- Teach the child to recognize when he needs to withdraw from a stressful situation, tell him that he can stop and walk away when something bothers him so that he can clearly identify what he does not like in a situation or what generates a certain emotion.
- Encourage him to find a quiet, safe place where he can calm down, such as a relaxation corner or comfort zone.
You can even take the opportunity to teach him how to use the watch so that he takes a few minutes away from the situation (and can keep track himself). At Kiddus, for example, you can find children's watches, very versatile and easy to handle, with which the little ones can understand the time while practicing the turtle technique, this way they have better control of time.
Phase 3: Breathing and relaxation
- Breathing is vital, so if the child learns from a young age techniques that help him have better, deeper breathing and that helps him at some point to have muscle relaxation to reduce stress and tension, it will be a great tool for his adult life.
- Encourage your child to practice deep breathing and muscle relaxation regularly, even when they are not experiencing intense emotions. This will help them develop better concentration and also be able to disconnect and have key moments of rest in their daily lives. A good key is to help the child learn to breathe for long periods for greater self-control, this can be done by controlling the time through a clock. Use kiddus time teacher from the Kiddus brand.
Tips for applying the turtle technique in children
There are some tips that may be useful to apply this technique with children:
- Become an example: Children learn from what they see, so practice this model yourself so your child can see what it's like. When they see how you manage your emotions between calm and reflection, they will understand it better.
- Understand: Managing emotions is not something that can be achieved overnight, it takes patience and practice, so it is best to be there for your little one while they learn.
- Stimulate and reinforce positive behavior: Recognizing that your little one begins to make an effort to implement this technique is cause for praise, tell him how important and good it is for him to try, recognize all that effort to manage his emotions.
That positive reinforcement can be good words, a hug, a smile, you can even give him a sticker when he implements this technique.
Of course, remember that it is very important not only that you go away to reflect on an emotion, but that you look for a solution to the problem, that is, that despite the emotion, you can talk about what bothers you and put an end to it. necessary.
In summary, the turtle technique is a valuable tool to help children manage their emotions and face difficult situations in a constructive way. To explain to them how to implement it or what it consists of, you can tell them the story of a turtle that protects itself from what He doesn't like it in his shell, there he pieces things together better and then he comes out stronger and with the ability to resolve what bothers him and continue his life.
Don't forget that teaching children to recognize their emotions, to withdraw from stressful situations and to use relaxation techniques, helps them to have important life skills that can be essential for them to become safe, resilient and emotionally responsible individuals. .